Get 4 weeks FREE membership when you sign up with any Combined Hospital & Extras Cover* T&Cs apply

Q: Is there a cooling off period?


ACA Health will allow any member who has not yet made a claim, to cancel their policy and receive a full refund of any premiums paid within a period of 30 days from the commencement date of their policy.

Q: What payment options are available?


We want to make the payment of your contributions as painless and easy as possible. You can choose a number of different payment methods and are able to nominate whether you would like deductions to be made monthly, quarterly or yearly.

You can choose to pay via:

  • direct debit
  • credit card − MasterCard and Visa only
  • payroll deduction (option only available to selected organisations)
  • by mail or in person with cash

You can nominate your preferred payment option on your application form. However, you can change your payment method at any time through the online member portal.

Q: Is it hard to change funds?


It’s easier than you think. Joining ACA Health is as simple as filling out our online application form – click here.

When we are processing your application, a Member Service Representative will contact you to talk through the details of your new membership.

Q: How soon will I get cover? What’s the waiting period?


On joining health insurance for the first time, waiting periods must be served before benefits will be paid on all hospital and general treatment covers with ACA Health. The exception to this is where you have an accident, not related to pre-existing condition, and you require hospital and/or ambulance treatment.

If you transfer from another fund within 60 days of terminating your old cover, then normal waiting periods are waived and our benefits up to the level of your previous cover may be paid immediately, subject to financial continuity.

Waiting periods

Accident requiring hospitalisationNo waiting
Ambulance4 months
Dental9 months
Obstetrics12 months
Hearing aids and health appliances12 months
Treatment relating to pre-existing condition12 months
All other services (inc psych, palliative and rehab)2 months

The Mental Health waiting period exemption for higher benefit is available to each insured person on a hospital policy one in their lifetime and will apply from the beginning of a current admission if the election (fund was notified) was made within 5 days of admission, if not from the date of the election (fund notification received) where;

  • The 2 month psychiatric/rehabilitation period has been served
  • It is for psychiatric or drug and alcohol related treatment

Q: What does it mean by waiting period?


On joining health insurance for the first time, waiting periods must be served before benefits will be paid on all hospital and general treatment covers with ACA Health. The exception to this is where you have an accident, not related to pre-existing condition, and you require hospital and/or ambulance treatment.

If you transfer from another fund within 60 days of terminating your old cover, then normal waiting periods are waived and our benefits up to the level of your previous cover may be paid immediately, subject to financial continuity.

If changing to a higher level of cover, normal waiting periods will apply before the higher benefits will be paid.

If adding a spouse to a membership (changing from single to family membership), normal waiting periods will apply for the spouse, unless they are transferring from another fund in which the rule above will apply.

If adding a child dependent to a membership, the child would be subject to the normal waiting periods, unless they are transferring from another fund in which the rule as above will apply.

If adding a newborn to a family membership, the baby will be covered immediately.

Please note: – If you are planning to have a baby and are currently on a singles cover, you will need to upgrade your cover to a family membership at least 2 months prior to the actual birth of the baby to ensure that your newborn will have immediate cover as part of your membership.

Waiting periods

Accident requiring hospitalisationNo waiting
Ambulance4 months
Dental9 months
Obstetrics12 months
Hearing aids and health appliances12 months
Treatment relating to pre-existing condition12 months
All other services (inc psych, palliative and rehab)2 months

The Mental Health waiting period exemption for higher benefit is available to each insured person on a hospital policy one in their lifetime and will apply from the beginning of a current admission if the election (fund was notified) was made within 5 days of admission, if not from the date of the election (fund notification received) where;

  • The 2 month psychiatric/rehabilitation period has been served
  • It is for psychiatric or drug and alcohol related treatment

Q: Can I claim benefits as soon as I join ACA Health?


If it is the first time you have had private health insurance you will first need to serve waiting periods before you can make a claim. This is to prevent people from simply joining to make a claim and then dropping their cover, and therefore preventing higher costs for everyone.

If you transfer from another fund within 60 days of terminating your old cover, then normal waiting periods are waived and our benefits up to the level of your previous cover may be paid immediately, subject to financial continuity.

Q: How do existing/ongoing issues/disabilities affect my policy?


A pre-existing condition is an ailment or illness where, in the opinion of a medical practitioner appointed by ACA Health, the signs or symptoms existed at any time during the six months before the day that a member joins private health insurance or upgrades to a higher level of cover.

Pre-existing conditions have an extended waiting period − 12 months − before hospital and major extras benefits will be paid on treatment relating to the condition.

The Mental Health waiting period exemption for higher benefit is available to each insured person on a hospital policy one in their lifetime and will apply from the beginning of a current admission if the election (fund was notified) was made within 5 days of admission, if not from the date of the election (fund notification received) where;

  • The 2 month psychiatric/rehabilitation period has been served
  • It is for psychiatric or drug and alcohol related treatment

Q: How do I join?


Joining ACA Health is as simple as filling out our online application form – click here.

Alternatively, you can print out a copy of the application form and once completed you can return it to us by:

Post: Locked Bag 2014, Wahroonga NSW 2076

Email: [email protected]

You can also contact us on 1300 368 390 to discuss any details of your application.

When we receive your form, one of our friendly Member Service Representative will contact you to talk through the details of your new membership. As ACA Health is open to current and past employees of the Seventh-day Adventist Church and its incorporated institutions, we may ask you some questions about your personal or family connection to verify your eligibility.