Get 4 weeks FREE membership when you sign up with any Combined Hospital & Extras Cover* T&Cs apply

Q: Why should I keep my extras cover when I cannot claim on any extras?


While many ancillary claims are delayed, psychologists, dieticians, opticians and dentist are still performing some services. If you have dental cover, you can still claim on emergency treatment from your dentist. Examples of what is considered an emergency are an abscess, infected tooth or broken tooth that is causing you pain.

Ancillary policyholders now have access the telehealth consultations with GPs and other health professionals. Telehealth consultations are virtual appointments via the phone or video service with psychologist, physio, occupational therapy, speech therapy and dietetics (subject to your cover and limits). Providers will be able to input member HICAPS card details (only until 30.09.20) so that providers can still send the claim through to ACA Health, if you consent.

Annual limits are available up until 31st December 2020 so when we are able to move about freely you will be able to access all of the services you require without having to reserve waits.

Q: What elective surgery can I access?


From Monday 27th April 2020 a gradual roll out for elective surgery will commence which may be different for each state and hospital. We recommend you speak with your doctor about how this impacts you and any treatment you had planned.

The elective surgery procedures that will start to resume, including:

  • Joint replacements (including knee, hips, and shoulders)
  • Cataracts and eye procedures
  • Endoscopy and colonoscopy
  • Post-cancer reconstruction procedures
  • IVF
  • Screening programs for cancer and other diseases
  • All procedures for children aged under 18

*You can only have these treatments if you have the appropriate level of cover. Eligibility criteria applies.

Q: What is the point of keeping my Hospital Cover throughout COVID-19 crisis?


Our members have access to urgent treatment in a private hospital for services included in their cover, with their choice of doctor along with cover for emergency situations. Private patient admission for Lung and Chest conditions, including COVID-19 related treatment, are also included on most of our products.

Members have access to medical conditions deemed urgent and some selected semi urgent conditions like:

  • Accidents and injuries requiring hospital treatment e.g. fractured bones, wounds requiring surgery (e.g. broken hips, leg or wrist requiring surgery)
  • Cardiac conditions including heart failure, heart attack, heart surgery
  • Flu and pneumonia
  • Chronic conditions requiring hospital treatment e.g. diabetes, heart failure
  • Cancer treatment e.g. chemotherapy
  • Surgery for newly diagnosed cancer – which require urgent treatment e.g. prostatectomy, mastectomy or breast lump removal for breast cancer, removal of malignant tumour such as melanoma
  • Appendicitis
  • Mental health services
  • Pregnancy and birth
  • Strokes
  • Aneurysms

*You can only have these treatments covered if you have the appropriate level of cover. Eligibility criteria applies.

Q: What is the benefit of keeping my Private Health Insurance?


Even though elective surgery procedures are recommencing, the recent postponement has likely increased the demand for these services at the end of this crisis. Maintaining your current Health Insurance will give you the power to choose when and where you have a procedure, with your choice of doctor and without having to re-serve waiting periods. Keeping your cover can give you the peace-of-mind knowing you have access to valuable health services to one of the best Health Systems in the world.

Q: Can I use my HICAPS card for claiming on Telehealth services once I know it has been approved?


Yes, the ability for the provider to add in your membership card number manually is available until 30th September 2020.

Q: Where Can I Find Information About My Policy?


Information about your policy can be found here in our Policy Booklet.

Q: Where can I find Mental Wellbeing Support during this coronavirus Pandemic?


Seek support

Mental Wellbeing Support can be found online at Coronavirus Beyondblue or call 1800 512 348.

This website will be regularly updated with information, advice and strategies to help you manage your wellbeing and mental health during this time. 

Lifeline provide 24/7 crisis support and suicide prevention services call 13 11 13

Q: I paid my membership a year in advance before April 1 2020. What will happen now?


There is no need for you to do a thing. You have locked in the 2020 rates until April 1 2021.