Skip 2, 4 & 9 month waiting periods when you sign up with Combined Hospital & Extras Cover*. T&Cs apply

Who Can Join?

ACA Health is a restricted private health insurer. The Fund solely exists to benefit the health and wellbeing of its exclusive members.

Membership eligibility is open to current and past employees of the Seventh-day Adventist Church and its affiliated Companies, appointed / nominated Local Church Officers, and their extended families in Australia.

ACA Health invite you to join the Fund supporting the workers of God.


Eligible People Include:

Seventh-day Adventist Church Employees


Past and Present Employees of incorporated Companies affiliated with the Seventh-day Adventist Church in Australia including:


    • Sanitarium Health and Wellbeing Company
    • Sydney Adventist Hospital
    • Adventist Development & Relief Agency
    • Avondale College University
    • Adventist Schools
    • Adventist Retirement Villages
    • Part-time and Contract workers 
Local Church Officers

Local Church Officers

Appointed Elders, Deacons/ess, Clerks, Treasurers, Pathfinder and Adventurer Leaders, Sabbath School Teachers, Greeters, Hospitality Team etc.

Partners & Spouse

Partners/Spouses and former partners of eligible persons.

Other Family Members

Dependants, past dependants, children, siblings, parents and grandchildren of eligible persons.

Why Us?

You and your family are at the centre of everything we do, rather than the concerns of shareholders, governments or overseas owners. We are here for our members first, last and only. In addition, we offer quality cover, value and options fit for all stages of life.

ACA Health promotes a culture of caring and compassion believing in ethics before profits. Therefore providing peace of mind in knowing that an ACA Health Policy can cover you for hundreds of thousands of dollars in the event you need it.

Great Benefits

We pay up to 4 times your annual fee with an unbeatable range of extras with per treatment payments over double other health funds.

Provider Choice

We won’t dictate to you which recognised health provider you need to see and the type of treatment you receive. It’s all about choices, value for money, service and peace of mind.

Unbeatable Extras

We pay up to 80% in benefits on a majority of our Ancillary products including Dental, Optical, Physiotherapy and Chiropractic.

Members Health Fund Alliance

Alongside 27 like-minded not-for-profit funds that exist to deliver the best possible service and benefits to you – the member.

Dependent Extension

Allows unmarried children from the age of 21 and under 31 who are no longer studying full-time to stay on the Family Membership.

Value for Money Cover

We keep our Products simple and price competitive.

Call us today on 1300 368 390, Click Here for a Quote or Health Fund Comparison, fill in the form below or Click here to JOIN NOW