Q: Do I have to be an Adventist?
No. Membership with ACA Health is open to:
- Past ACA Health Members
- Present and Past Employees of incorporated Companies affiliated with the Seventh-day Adventist Church in Australia including:
- Sanitarium Health and Wellbeing Company
- Life Health Foods
- Vitality Works
- Sydney Adventist Hospital
- Signs Publishing Company
- Adventist Development & Relief Agency
- Avondale College of Higher Education
- Adventist Schools
- Adventist Retirement Villages
- ACA Health Benefits Fund
- Karalundi Aboriginal Education Centre
- Mirriwinni Gardens Aboriginal Academy
- A person who is, or was, a literature evangelist, while distributing for Home Health Education Service
- Local Church Officers in appointed positions such as Elders, Deacons, Deaconesses, Clerks, Treasurers, Communication Secretaries, Bible School Coordinators, etc.
- Partners/Spouses, Dependants, Siblings, Parents and Grandchildren of eligible persons mentioned above are also welcome to join.