Hospital and Extras Cover
ACA Health give you the choice of cover you need without the confusion of too many options.

You can choose from 5 Hospital Covers:

At this level of cover you receive the same level of protection and benefits as Gold Deluxe Hospital cover, however a co-payment of $100 per day applies if you actually go into hospital. It is recommended for those who are prepared to pay some of their accommodation charges and theatre fees in return for a lower contribution rate.

At this level of cover you can choose your own doctor and have shared room accommodation in a public hospital. Basic Hospital cover is designed for treatment in a public hospital and therefore is not recommended for treatment in a private hospital but you must be prepared for some significant out-of-pocket expenses.

With this level of cover there is an excess of either $500 or $750 per adult person per calendar year which does not apply to child dependants. There is no benefit payable for the excluded services – obstetrics, joint replacements and cardiac treatments (Excluded Services). Public Hospital benefits for a shared room only are payable as a private patient in a public hospital only for Psychiatric and rehabilitation services (Restricted Services).
And 2 Extras Covers:
Combine our Products
You can also combine one of our hospital covers with an extras cover or choose any product on its own to suit your life stage health needs.
With our premium Gold Deluxe Hospital and Complete Extras package you receive one of the most comprehensive hospital and extras insurance packages available in the industry.
Please Note:
- All new and upgraded hospital policies, waiting periods apply.
- Hospital cover only applies to services received as an in-patient and does not apply to out-patient services (e.g. GP or Specialist consults, MRI’s or Ultrasounds)
- Hospital cover only applies when a service is recognised by Medicare
- Out-of-pocket for Medical Specialists and Doctor’s fees can apply to any level of Hospital cover.
If you would like to find out what cover might be most suitable for you, try our quick quote finder or give us a call on 1300 368 390.
Unbeatable Extras & Provider Choice
We provide extras that pay up to twice as much as the big three health funds on things that really matter, like market leading per treatment payouts for optical, dental and orthodontic.
And we won’t dictate to you which health provider you need to see and the type of treatment you receive – it’s all about choices, value for money, service and peace of mind.
Types of Cover

Solely for the person named on the membership application.

Single Parent
For the person named on the membership application and their dependents.

Single Parent + Dependant Extension
Single Parents can keep their unmarried children from the age of 21 and under 31 covered under their membership, even if the children are no longer studying full-time.
The Dependant Extension adds a 30% loading to the cost of the membership premium and is only available on the following cover types:
- Family Gold Deluxe Hospital & Complete Ancillary
- Family Gold Deluxe Hospital & Ancillary Lite
- Family Gold Private Hospital & Complete Ancillary
- Family Gold Private Hospital & Ancillary Lite

Cover for the member, as well as the member’s nominated partner and/or dependants.

Family + Dependant Extension
Parents can keep their unmarried children from the age of 21 and under 31 covered under their membership, even if the children are no longer studying full-time.
The Dependant Extension adds a 30% loading to the cost of the membership premium and is only available on the following cover types:
- Family Gold Deluxe Hospital & Complete Ancillary
- Family Gold Deluxe Hospital & Ancillary Lite
- Family Gold Private Hospital & Complete Ancillary
- Family Gold Private Hospital & Ancillary Lite
How to Change Your Cover
Changing your type of cover or level of membership is easy.
You can:
- Login to your membership via Online Member Services and change your cover; OR
- Download the Member Details Change Form, indicating the changes you wish to make, and return it to us by:
- Post: Locked Bag 2014, Wahroonga NSW 2076
- Email: [email protected]
You can also contact us on 1300 368 390 to discuss changing your cover or level of membership.
Please refer to Not So Fine Print for information on waiting periods and cover limitations.
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