Skip 2, 4 & 9 month waiting periods when you sign up with Combined Hospital & Extras Cover*. T&Cs apply


ACA Health is a restricted private health insurer. The Fund solely exists to benefit the health and well-being of its exclusive members.  Membership eligibility is open to current and past employees of the Seventh-day Adventist Church Companies, appointed Local Church Officers and their families in Australia.

ACA Health invite you to join the Fund supporting the workers of God.

Membership with ACA Health is open to:


Seventh-day Adventist Church Employees:

Present Employees of incorporated Companies affiliated with the Seventh-day Adventist Church in Australia including:

    • Sanitarium Health and Wellbeing Company
    • Life Health Foods
    • Vitality Works
    • Sydney Adventist Hospital
    • Signs Publishing Company
    • Adventist Development & Relief Agency
    • Avondale College University
    • Adventist Schools
    • Adventist Retirement Villages
    • ACA Health Benefits Fund
    • Karalundi Aboriginal Education Centre
    • Mirriwinni Gardens Aboriginal Academy
    • A literature evangelist distributing for Home Health Education Service
    • Part-time and Contract workers
    • A person who, by the operation of the Private Health Insurance Act and Rule 6 of the Private Health Insurance Rule 2007 No 2, is taken to belong to the Restricted Access Group


Past Employees:

Past Employees of incorporated Companies affiliated with the Seventh-day Adventist Church in Australia, Past ACA Health Fund Members and Past literature evangelist distributing for Home Health Education Service


Partners & Spouses:

Partners/Spouses and Former Partners


Other Family Members:

Dependants, Adult Children, Siblings, Parents and Grandchildren of eligible persons mentioned above

Local Church Officers


Local Church Officers:

Appointed Elders, Deacons, Deaconesses, Clerks, Treasurers, Communication Secretaries, Bible School Coordinators, etc

Please contact us if you are uncertain about your eligibility on 1300 368 390

Family members applying for membership will be asked to provide employment details of the past or present employee.

Members do not have to be an Adventist.

Join Now by filling out our online application.